The Robot library is included with Arduino IDE 1.0.5 and later. The Robot has a number of built in sensors and actuators. The library is designed to easily access the robot's functionality. The robot has two boards, a motor board and control board. Each board has a separate programmable processor. The library allows you to interface with the various sensors and peripherals on the control board :
The library also enables you to do a number of things with the motor board :
For more information about the Robot, visit the Fat16, EasyTransfer, Squawk, and IRRemote. It also relies on a number of Arduino libraries like TFT, SPI, and Wire. Their functionality has been replicated inside the robot's library to optimize the code's size. It is possible to program both the Control and the Motor boards. However, it is recommended that novice programmers begin with programming the control board, leaving the motor board for later. The library exposes the sensors on both boards through a single object. There are two main subjects that command the robot:
ExamplesThese illustrate the possibilities of the robot to help you get up and running quickly with the basic functionality.
RobotMotor classUse this to make your own firmware for the Motor Board.
Read this document to learn about making your own firmware for the motor board using the RobotMotor class. |
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