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This page lists major changes to the Arduino core, libraries, and environment. For details, see the release notes (Web).
Changes in Arduino 0017
Environment: The code base for the Arduino development environment was largely re-written to bring it back into sync with Processing (1.0.3). The main differences include support for multiple sketch windows open simultaneously and a dedicated window for the serial monitor.
Icons: The icons and about images were updated.
Arduino.app: The Mac OS X version of Arduino is now a .app file packaged in a .dmg.
Libraries: Support was added for third-party libraries in the SKETCHBOOK/libraries directory. This allows user-installed libraries to persist across upgrades of the Arduino software.
Servo: The servo library was rewritten to allow support for up to 12 servos (on any pins) and up to 48 on the Mega.
: The begin(), cursor(), noCursor(), blink(), noBlink(), display(), noDisplay(), scrollDisplayLeft(), scrollDisplayRight(), autoscroll(), noAutoscroll(), leftToRight(), rightToLeft(), and createChar() functions were added.
Changes in Arduino 0016
- New functions for writing a string, write(str), or buffer, write(buf, len), were added to the Print, Serial, and Ethernet library Client and Server subjects.
Changes in Arduino 0015
- Support for the Arduino Mega.
Changes in Arduino 0013
- Support for printing floats was added to the Print, Serial, and Ethernet library Client and Server subjects.
- The word type and word(), bitRead(), bitWrite(), bitSet(), bitClear(), bit(), lowByte(), and highByte() functions were added.
Changes in Arduino 0012
- Added the Firmata library, which provides a standard protocol for serial communication.
- Added Ethernet library.
- Added Servo library.
- Added LiquidCrystal library.
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The text of the Arduino reference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.