Reference Language (extended) | Libraries | Comparison | Changes
To use a library in a sketch, select it from Sketch > Import Library. For details, see the page on the Arduino environment.
Standard Libraries
- EEPROM - reading and writing to "permanent" storage
- Ethernet - for connecting to the internet using the Arduino Ethernet Shield
- Firmata - for communicating with applications on the computer using a standard serial protocol.
- LiquidCrystal - for controlling liquid crystal displays (LCDs)
- Servo - for controlling servo motors
- SoftwareSerial - for serial communication on any digital pins
- Stepper - for controlling stepper motors
- Wire - Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) for sending and receiving data over a net of devices or sensors.
These libraries are compatible Wiring versions, and the links below point to the (excellent) Wiring documentation.
- Matrix - Basic LED Matrix display manipulation library
- Sprite - Basic image sprite manipulation library for use in animations with an LED matrix
Contributed Libraries
To install a contributed library, unzip it to the libraries sub-folder of your sketchbook. For details, see the page on the Arduino environment.
Communication (networking and protocols):
- Messenger - for processing text-based messages from the computer
- NewSoftSerial - an improved version of the SoftwareSerial library
- OneWire - control devices (from Dallas Semiconductor) that use the One Wire protocol.
- PS2Keyboard - read characters from a PS2 keyboard.
- Simple Message System - send messages between Arduino and the computer
- SSerial2Mobile - send text messages or emails using a cell phone (via AT commands over software serial)
- Webduino - extensible web server library (for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield)
- X10 - Sending X10 signals over AC power lines
- XBee - for communicating with XBees in API mode
- SerialControl - Remote control other Arduinos over a serial connection
- Capacitive Sensing - turn two or more pins into capacitive sensors
- Debounce - for reading noisy digital inputs (e.g. from buttons)
Displays and LEDs:
- Improved LCD library fixes LCD initialization bugs in official Arduino LCD library
- GLCD - graphics routines for LCD based on the KS0108 or equivalent chipset.
- LedControl - for controlling LED matrices or seven-segment displays with a MAX7221 or MAX7219.
- LedControl - an alternative to the Matrix library for driving multiple LEDs with Maxim chips.
- LedDisplay - control of a HCMS-29xx scrolling LED display.
Frequency Generation and Audio:
- Tone - generate audio frequency square waves in the background on any microcontroller pin
Motors and PWM:
- TLC5940 - 16 channel 12 bit PWM controller.
- DateTime - a library for keeping track of the current date and time in software.
- Metro - help you time actions at regular intervals
- MsTimer2 - uses the timer 2 interrupt to trigger an action every N milliseconds.
For a guide to writing your own libraries, see this tutorial.
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