Although some of the tutorials here are very old they cover the foundation principals that current programs, networks and operating systems are built on. Newer versions of older products add back end services, additional security and user enhancements. The foundation skills still have to be learned and using legacy products is an in-expensive way to pick up skills.
This principle does not apply to older operating systems and internet browsing however. The latest OS and browser versions have very different architectures than pre-2007 OS versions, although the interface principals are similar enough to learn on using an older platform.
Some old file reference sheets are here for comparison, research and historic value while you are developing newer software. And it is interesting to note that really old Win 95 and Win 98 machines are still pretty good at robotics while running Visual Basic or other in-house software. Because the machines run the same routines and are pretty dumb on networks and internet protocols they do quite well at just running programs locally while being completely off of the network, like in a clean room or assembly manufacturing line (The Hubble Space Telescope uses an Intel 486 computer with 2 Mb of memory, rated for space travel.) These machines are generally hidden and out of sight and are unreachable by wire. The larger cases of old machines also can accommodate larger in-house developed (make your own) pci and scsi interface cards for driving pneumatic assemblies and hydraulic motors (in fact, dozens of them!) etc. |
SoftwareWriting Bullet Proof Code File ManagementOLD - for comparison Create a digital Signature Rights and Creative Commons Licensing Photoshop CS4 Read Me AVS Media Player Help Win Issues (Win 95,98) 7 Dev Projects Hot Potatoes Setup 7.exe - Right Click - Save As Intro To Customizing Hot Potatoes Hacking Hot Potatoes Hot Potatoes Source Files & Placeholders |
ReferenceDeveloper Glossary Type Face Periodic Table Advanced Keyboards ASCII Chart 0 - 127 CD Label Specs File Extension Index DOS Errors Keyboard ShortcutsWin 95/98 - compare to new Suggested Keyboard Shortcut list PC FAQs & Newsgroups PC99 Sys Compliance Standards PC Standards Chart How to Develop An Online Course Viibe Order Form Viibe White paper Jasmine Lee Beginner Rubik Solution Dragon Naturally Speaking 7 User Guide Handbook For Bloggers Adobe Illustrator 10 - Help Manual MIF_Reference MML_Reference Photoshop 7 JavaScript Ref Photoshop CS4 ReadMe |
IDEsArduino IDE Download Blue J Visual Studio .NET Intro VS6 - The Complete Reference Java Learn J BuilderBorland Eclipse IDE, API docsStanford CS106A Visual Studio .NETIntro to VB Moving To Visual Studio 2010 Maker Code Libraries Arduino Demos |
Other CoursesInvisible Engines Stanford CS 106ADownloadable PDFs The Most Complex Machine Software Engineering for Internet Applications Relational Databases & Internet App Programming Guide to Web Publishing HTML Standard HTML 5 Reference Tag Reference CSS Reference WCAG Accessibility Sheet dev/ Repository Git HubCurrent Database Backed Web Sites |
NOTE: These are posted for student and staff educational & class use.