Development & ProductionStudents will learn the farming expertise that the modern farms demand in order to remain productive and competitive in today's marketplace. Farming is marketing, bartering, trading in exchange for ... and deliberating prices, products, livestock and people issues!. The student will learn the nuances of the modern farm / gardening operations. Plans & MakeSolar energy, construction plans, outbuilding plans, feather pluckers, small balers, layout of the land and garden, estimates for costs in feed, seed and fuel. LivestockLarge herd management, livestock housing, feeders, bees, bats, goats, poultry and vet medical issues, theory, structures and troubleshooting are covered. |
GardeningHoop systems, greenhouses, nutrition, local resources, conversion sheets, spraying, Wills and Trusts and legals, how-to and tips Water ManagementWatering systems for livestock, crop irrigation patterns, pumps and theory. Pets and PestsUnwanted animals, culls, insect management, rodents, pet dogs, cats and fish. HydroponicsBuild cheap alternatives to pumps using a small air pump, using PVC effectively, temperature control, product, waste water management. ApiaryHoney Bee management. Bee equipment specs, how-to make your own equipment, apiary startup tips, marketing value added products. |
NOTE: These are posted for student and staff educational & class use.