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Advanced Spreadsheets - Basic Classes

In this lesson you will learn:

Use the Shelley Cashman Book Microsoft Excel, Comprehensive Techniques to complete this section. It is in the Black file cabinet in the front of the room.

NOTE: Textbooks for the older versions work fine for these lessons.

Integration Features

Complete Project 6  page EX 465, which includes:

  1. Linking to Work Processing Documents
  2. Editing Linked Worksheets
  3. Saving Word Processing Datasheet as a Web Page

When completed return to this page and continue.

Using Macros and the Visual Basic IDE

Complete Project 7, which includes:

  1. Recording Macros
  2. Assigning Macros to Toolbars and Menu Commands
  3. Automation of Data Entry
  4. Personalization of Data Entry
  5. Digital Signatures

When completed return to this page and continue.

Auditing, Data Validation and Complex Problem Solving

Complete Project 8, which includes:

  1. Formula Auditing - the Toolbar
  2. Precedents
  3. Data Validation
  4. Solver
  5. Scenario Manager to Analyze Data
  6. Summarizing Scenarios
  7. Creating and Attaching a Toolbar to a Workbook

When completed return to this page and continue.

Importing Data, Working with XML, Pivot Charts, Pivot Tables and Trend lines

Complete Project 9, which includes:

  1. Importing Data from Files, Web Pages and Databases
  2. Preparing Workbooks for Routing
  3. XML Maps
  4. Creating Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
  5. Comparing and Merging Workbooks
  6. Trend lines
  7. Saving Custom Views
  8. Formatting Worksheet Backgrounds

Congratulations!  You have completed the Advanced Spreadsheets course.

Turn in your assignments to the Computer Lab instructor for your certificate

NOTE: These are posted for student and staff educational & class use.