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Disk Drives and 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') - Basic Classes

In this lesson you will learn:

About 'Computer' (or 'My Computer')

To open 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') there are three main ways.

  1. Double Click 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') on the Desktop which opens two panes.
  2. Click on Start > 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') which opens two panes.
  3. Open Windows Explorer. 'Explorer' shows a view of the file system starting with the selected folder. Choose 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') from the list.
explorer file system pic

Explore the file system

Explore and Browse Drives

Now we look at some features and options for working with drive objects in 'Computer' (or 'My Computer'). Scroll through the drive and folder tree in the left window pane to locate the drive C: object and then right click on it.

NOTE: Drive C: is shown as 'local' meaning is it physically located inside of the computer. Other drives that sometimes show are not local, but plugged in or on other computers!

right click menu pic

You'll see a disk drive menu list with options listed similar to what is shown.

These will be different depending on your operating system. Some of the options listed below are not always available, and are grayed out if they don't apply to the drive you selected.

  1. Expand: If there is an arrow or a plus sign next to the drive, 'Expand' will show all of the folders or files in the right pane.
  2. Explore: Starts Windows Explorer with the view of this drive.
  3. Open: Opens a separate window for viewing the contents of the drive.
  4. Search: Opens the Find Utility, which then helps you locate folders and files on the drive. This is discussed later in this lesson
  5. Sharing and Security: Opens the Sharing Tab on the drive Properties page.
  6. Groove Folder Synchronization: Opens a File Sharing Workspace. Clicking on the 'Learn More' link opens up the Groove Help File.
  7. Backup: Makes a backup copy of the disk in a special file located in either another drive or removable media.

'Backup' is defined as saving entire sections of a drive onto a backup medium. It has been a part of the 'Backup utility' and will be covered later in the course.

Now 'Folder Synchronization' is the term used for synchronizing files and folders to keep them up to date, either on other media or on the internet 'Cloud' storage. Read Microsoft Groove Help or Synchronization Help for more information.

  1. Copy: Makes an exact copy of the disk. Used mainly to copy files to and from removable media and disks.
  2. Format: Opens a dialog box so you can initialize disk, USB drives and hard drives for use on your computer.

Be careful not to format your drive accidentally, as this operation erases all files. This utility is used mainly to format removable disks.

  1. Create a Shortcut: Creates a shortcut on the desktop. This has gone away in newer operating systems
  2. Rename: Renames the disk to a more suitable name of your choosing.
  3. Properties: Displays the Properties dialog box so you can view and change information and settings for the drive.

See the section 'Viewing and Changing Drive Settings'.

If there is a network drive or a removable media drive, the following options are available:

  1. Disconnect: If your system is connected to a network, you may see drive icons for drives that are located on remote network servers.

This option will appear on the menu of network drive icons so you can disconnect the drive. This also breaks the connection and removes 'Mapped' drives. If you have several 'drives' that are no longer used, this is how to disconnect them and remove them from the list.

  1. Sharing: Same as the option 'Sharing' above but with a twist; This one opens the Sharing dialog box so you can make this drive accessible to other people whose computers are connected to your computer.

You'll see this only if you are on a network.

  1. Eject: this option ejects a removable disk so you can insert another disk. It is grayed out if the disk is not removable.
  2. Lock: this option locks a removable media disk. It is grayed out if the disk is not removable.
  3. Copy Disk: Copies the information from one disk to another, usually another floppy disk.
Checking Drive Space with 'Computer' (or 'My Computer')

In 'Computer' (or 'My Computer'), point to the disk you want to check. The total disk capacity and the amount of free space will appear as a tool tip. Also, if the status bar is visible, the amount of free space appears in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

free space dialog pic

The Status Bar is the small information bar at the bottom of the properties window

  1. Pie Graph: Given in percent used and percent free.
  2. Status bar: On the 'View' menu select 'Status Bar'.

The Status Bar shows the words Displays the properties of the selected items'. The Status Bar remains open on windows for information on what is happening and display any changes as they happen. If you cannot see enough information the drag the right side of the status area of the screen to enlarge it.

It is important to know how much space is left on your drive. If you try to copy or move a file when the disk is full you get an error message. But worse is when you copy multiple files and the operation fails suddenly with a 'Disk Full' message! What to do?

This will be covered when you study the class on Copying, Moving and Dragging Files.

Viewing and Changing Drive Settings

Right click the drive object again and choose 'Properties' on the menu.

From this dialog box in the 'General' Tab, you can change the name of the disk or the drive by typing a new name in the Label field and clicking the OK Button. In the lower half of the dialog box,you can see how much disk space, how much is in use, and how much is still available.

We will cover the other utilities in another Lesson.

Click the 'General' tab again then click 'Cancel' to return to 'Computer' (or 'My Computer').

NOTE: These are posted for student and staff educational & class use.