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parseInt() returns the first valid (long) integer number from the serial buffer. Characters that are not integers (or the minus sign) are skipped.
In particular:
- Initial characters that are not digits or a minus sign, are skipped;
- Parsing stops when no characters have been read for a configurable time-out value, or a non-digit is read;
- If no valid digits were read when the time-out (see Stream.setTimeout()) occurs, 0 is returned;
This function is part of the Stream class, and is called by any class that inherits from it (Wire, Serial, etc). See the stream/Stream class main page for more information.
stream.parseInt(''list', char skipchar')
stream : an instance of a class that inherits from Stream.
list : the stream to check for ints (char)skipChar: used to skip the indicated char in the search. Used for example to skip thousands divider.
See also
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