GSM : GSM class
Connects to the GSM network identified on the SIM card.
gsm.begin(pin, restart)
gsm.begin(pin, restart, sync)
char : 0 if asynchronous. If synchronous, returns status : ERROR, IDLE, CONNECTING, GSM_READY, GPRS_READY, TRANSPARENT_CONNECTED
#include <GSM.h> #define PINNUMBER " GSM gsm; // include a 'true' parameter for debug enabled void setup ( ) {
// initialize serial communications
Serial.begin ( 9600 ) ; // connection state
boolean notConnected = true ; // Start GSM shield
// If your SIM has PIN, pass it as a parameter of begin() in quotes
while (notConnected)
if (gsm.begin (PINNUMBER) ==GSM_READY)
notConnected = false ;
Serial.println ( "Not connected" ) ;
delay ( 1000 ) ;
} Serial.println ( "GSM initialized" ) ;
} void loop ( )
{ // once connected do something interesting }
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