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The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding dates to the 1960's. It is the standard way that text is encoded numerically.
Note that the first 32 characters (0-31) are non-printing characters, often called control characters. The more useful characters have been labeled.
DEC CharacterValue0 null123456789 tab 10 line feed 111213 carriage return141516171819202122232425262728293031 |
DEC CharacterValue32 space33 !34 "35 #36 $37 %38 &39 '40 (41 )42 *43 +44 ,45 -46 .47 /48 049 150 251 352 453 554 655 756 857 958 :59 ;60 <61 =62 >63 ? |
DEC CharacterValue64 @65 A66 B67 C68 D69 E70 F71 G72 H73 I74 J75 K76 L77 M78 N79 O80 P81 Q82 R83 S84 T85 U86 V87 W88 X89 Y90 Z91 [92 \93 ]94 ^95 _ |
DEC CharacterValue96 `97 a98 b99 c100 d101 e102 f103 g104 h105 i106 j107 k108 l109 m110 n111 o112 p113 q114 r115 s116 t117 u118 v119 w120 x121 y122 z123 {124 |125 }126 ~127 |
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