SdFatUtil.h File Reference

#include <WProgram.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
Include dependency graph for SdFatUtil.h:


#define  PgmPrint(x)   SerialPrint_P(PSTR(x))
#define  PgmPrintln(x)   SerialPrintln_P(PSTR(x))
#define  NOINLINE   __attribute__((noinline))


static int  FreeRam (void)
static NOINLINE void  SerialPrint_P (PGM_P str)
static NOINLINE void  SerialPrintln_P (PGM_P str)

Detailed Description

Useful utility functions.

Define Documentation

#define NOINLINE   __attribute__((noinline))

Defined so doxygen works for function definitions.

#define PgmPrint (  )     SerialPrint_P(PSTR(x))

Store and print a string in flash memory.

#define PgmPrintln (  )     SerialPrintln_P(PSTR(x))

Store and print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.

Function Documentation

static int FreeRam ( void   )  [static]

Return the number of bytes currently free in RAM.

static NOINLINE void SerialPrint_P ( PGM_P  str  )  [static]

Print a string in flash memory to the serial port.

[in]  str  Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
static NOINLINE void SerialPrintln_P ( PGM_P  str  )  [static]

Print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.

[in]  str  Pointer to string stored in flash memory.

Generated on Wed Dec 23 08:22:21 2009 for SdFat by  doxygen 1.6.1