SYNOPSISlabeledframe pathName ?options?INHERITANCEitk::Archetype <- labeledframeSTANDARD OPTIONS
See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS
Name: iPadX Class: IPad Command-Line Switch: -ipadx
Name: iPadY Class: IPad Command-Line Switch: -ipady
Name: labelBitmap Class: Bitmap Command-Line Switch: -labelbitmap
Name: labelImage Class: Image Command-Line Switch: -labelimage
Name: labelMargin Class: Margin Command-Line Switch: -labelmargin
Name: labelText Class: Text Command-Line Switch: -labeltext
Name: labelVariable Class: Variable Command-Line Switch: -labelvariable
Name: labelFont Class: Font Command-Line Switch: -labelfont
Name: labelPos Class: Position Command-Line Switch: -labelpos
DESCRIPTIONThe labeledframe command creates a hull frame with a grooved relief, a label positioned within the grooved relief of the hull frame, and a frame childsite. The frame childsite can filled with any widget via a derived class or though the use of the childsite method. This class was designed to be a general purpose base class for supporting the combination of labeled frame and a childsite. The options include the ability to position the label at configurable locations within the grooved relief of the hull frame, and control the display of the label. METHODSThe labeledframe command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...?Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for labeledframe widgets: WIDGET-SPECIFIC METHODS
Name: label Class: label
The labeledframe was primarily meant to be a base class. The
Radiobox is a good example of a derived classe of the labeledframe class.
In order to provide equal support for composite subjects, the 'childsite' methods
also exists. The following is an example of 'childsite' method usage.
labeledframe .lw -labeltext "Entry Frame" -labelpos n pack .lw -fill both -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 10 set cs [.lw childsite] pack [Entryfield $cs.entry1 -labeltext "Name:"] -side top -fill x pack [Spinint $cs.entry2 -labeltext "Number:"] -side top -fill x pack [Pushbutton $cs.entry3 -text "Details:"] -side top -fill x