pathName ?options?
itk::Widget <- calendar
See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.
See the "datefield" manual entry for details on this option. Note that
this option is needed when the calendar is used in conjunction
with the dateentry widget. It is necessary for support of international
date formats in versions of Tk less than 8.4.
Name: backwardImage
Class: Image
Command-Line Switch: -backwardimage
Specifies a image to be displayed on the backwards calendar
button. This image must have been created previously with
the image create command. If none is specified, a default
is provided.
Name: buttonForeground
Class: Foreground
Command-Line Switch: -buttonforeground
Specifies the foreground color of the forward and backward buttons
in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetColor. The default
color is blue.
Name: command
Class: Command
Command-Line Switch: -command
Specifies a Tcl script to executed upon selection of a date in the
calendar. If the command script contains any % characters,
then the script will not be executed directly. Instead, a new
script will be generated by replacing each %, and the
character following it, with information from the calendar. The
replacement depends on the character following the %, as
defined in the list below.
- Replaced with the date selected in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Name: currentDateFont
Class: Font
Command-Line Switch: -currentdatefont
Specifies the font used for the current date text in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetFont.
Name: dateFont
Class: Font
Command-Line Switch: -datefont
Specifies the font used for the days of the month text in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetFont.
Name: dayFont
Class: Font
Command-Line Switch: -dayfont
Specifies the font used for the days of the week text in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetFont.
Name: days
Class: days
Command-Line Switch: -days
Specifies a list of values to be used for the days of the week
text to displayed above the days of the month. The default value
is {Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa}.
Name: forewardImage
Class: Image
Command-Line Switch: -forewardimage
Specifies a image to be displayed on the forewards calendar
button. This image must have been created previously with
the image create command. If none is specified, a default
is provided.
Name: height
Class: Height
Command-Line Switch: -height
Specifies a desired window height that the calendar widget should
request from its geometry manager. The value may be specified in any
of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. The default height
is 165 pixels.
Name: outline
Class: Outline
Command-Line Switch: -outline
Specifies the outline color used to surround the days of the month text in
any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetColor. The default is the
same color as the background.
Name: selectColor
Class: Foreground
Command-Line Switch: -selectcolor
Specifies the color of the ring displayed that distinguishes the
currently selected date in any of the forms acceptable to
Tk_GetColor. The default is red.
Name: selectThickness
Class: SelectThickness
Command-Line Switch: -selectthickness
Specifies the thickness of the ring displayed that distinguishes
the currently selected date. The default is 3 pixels.
Name: startday
Class: Day
Command-Line Switch: -startday
Specifies the starting day for the week: sunday, monday,
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, or
saturday. The default is sunday.
Name: titleFont
Class: Font
Command-Line Switch: -titlefont
Specifies the font used for the title text which consists of the
month and year. The font may be given in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetFont.
Name: weekdayBackground
Class: Background
Command-Line Switch: -weekdaybackground
Specifies the background color for the weekdays which allows it to
be visually distinguished from the weekend. The color may be given
in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetColor. The default is
the same as the background.
Name: weekendBackground
Class: Background
Command-Line Switch: -weekendbackground
Specifies the background color for the weekends which allows it to
be visually distinguished from the weekdays. The color may be given
in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetColor. The default is
the same as the background.
Name: width
Class: Width
Command-Line Switch: -width
Specifies a desired window width that the calendar widget should
request from its geometry manager. The value may be specified in any
of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. The default width
is 200 pixels.
The calendar command creates a calendar widget for the selection
of a date, displaying a single month at a time. Buttons exist on the
top to change the month in effect turning the pages of a calendar. As
a page is turned, the dates for the month are modified. Selection of
a date visually marks that date. The selected value can be monitored
via the -command option or just retrieved using the get command.
The calendar command creates a new Tcl command whose
name is pathName. This
command may be used to invoke various
operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
pathName option ?arg arg ...?
Option and the args
determine the exact behavior of the command. The following
commands are possible for calendar widgets:
pathName cget
- Returns the current value of the configuration option given
by option.
Option may have any of the values accepted by the calendar
configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
- Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of
the available options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for
information on the format of this list). If option is specified
with no value, then the command returns a list describing the
one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If
one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command
modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in
this case the command returns an empty string.
Option may have any of the values accepted by the calendar
pathName get ?format?
- Returns the currently selected date in a format of
string or as an integer clock value using the -string and -clicks
format options respectively. The default is by string. Reference the
clock command for more information on obtaining dates and their
pathName select
- Changes the currently selected date to the value specified which
must be in the form of a date string, an integer clock value or as
the keyword "now". Reference the clock
command for more information on obtaining dates and their formats.
Note that selecting a date does not change the
month being shown to that of the date given. This chore is left
to the show\R command.
pathName show
- Changes the currently displayed date to be that of the date
argument which must be in the form of a date string, an
integer clock value or as
the keyword "now". Reference the clock
command for more information on obtaining dates and their formats.
Name: forward
Class: Button
The forward component provides the button on the upper right of the
calendar that changes the month to be the next. See the "button"
widget manual entry for details on the forward component item.
Name: page
Class: Canvas
The page component provides the canvas on which the title, days of the
week, and days of the month appear. See the "canvas" widget manual
entry for details on the page component item.
Name: backward
Class: Button
The backward component provides the button on the upper right of the
calendar that changes the month to be the next. See the "button"
widget manual entry for details on the backward component item.
proc selectCmd {date} {
puts $date
calendar .c -command {selectCmd %d} -weekendbackground mistyrose \\
-weekdaybackground ghostwhite -outline black \\
-startday wednesday -days {We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu}
pack .c
Mark L. Ulferts
Michael J. McLennan
calendar, widget