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4.4 Deprecated Options

These options have been replaced with newer versions that use symspecs.
-e function_name
The -e function option tells gprof to not print information about the function function_name (and its children...) in the call graph. The function will still be listed as a child of any functions that call it, but its index number will be shown as [not printed]. More than one -e option may be given; only one function_name may be indicated with each -e option.
-E function_name
The -E function option works like the -e option, but time spent in the function (and children who were not called from anywhere else), will not be used to compute the percentages-of-time for the call graph. More than one -E option may be given; only one function_name may be indicated with each -E option.
-f function_name
The -f function option causes gprof to limit the call graph to the function function_name and its children (and their children...). More than one -f option may be given; only one function_name may be indicated with each -f option.
-F function_name
The -F function option works like the -f option, but only time spent in the function and its children (and their children...) will be used to determine total-time and percentages-of-time for the call graph. More than one -F option may be given; only one function_name may be indicated with each -F option. The -F option overrides the -E option.

Note that only one function can be specified with each -e, -E, -f or -F option. To specify more than one function, use multiple options. For example, this command:

     gprof -e boring -f foo -f bar myprogram > gprof.output

lists in the call graph all functions that were reached from either foo or bar and were not reachable from boring.

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