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9.31.7 Math Builtins

The following built-in functions may be used to generate a floating-point value. All return a floating-point value except $cvi, $int, and $sgn, which return an integer value.

$acos( expr ) Returns the floating point arccosine of expr.

$asin( expr ) Returns the floating point arcsine of expr.

$atan( expr ) Returns the floating point arctangent of expr.

$atan2( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point arctangent of expr1 / expr2.

$ceil( expr ) Returns the smallest integer not less than expr as floating point.

$cosh( expr ) Returns the floating point hyperbolic cosine of expr.

$cos( expr ) Returns the floating point cosine of expr.

$cvf( expr ) Returns the integer value expr converted to floating-point.

$cvi( expr ) Returns the floating point value expr converted to integer.

$exp( expr ) Returns the floating point value e ^ expr.

$fabs( expr ) Returns the floating point absolute value of expr.

$floor( expr ) Returns the largest integer that is not greater than expr as floating point.

$fmod( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point remainder of expr1 / expr2.

$int( expr ) Returns 1 if expr evaluates to an integer, zero otherwise.

$ldexp( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point value expr1 * 2 ^ expr2.

$log10( expr ) Returns the base 10 logarithm of expr.

$log( expr ) Returns the natural logarithm of expr.

$max( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point maximum of expr1 and expr2.

$min( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point minimum of expr1 and expr2.

$pow( expr1 , expr2 ) Returns the floating point value expr1 ^ expr2.

$round( expr ) Returns the nearest integer to expr as a floating point number.

$sgn( expr ) Returns -1, 0, or 1 based on the sign of expr.

$sin( expr ) Returns the floating point sine of expr.

$sinh( expr ) Returns the floating point hyperbolic sine of expr.

$sqrt( expr ) Returns the floating point square root of expr.

$tan( expr ) Returns the floating point tangent of expr.

$tanh( expr ) Returns the floating point hyperbolic tangent of expr.

$trunc( expr ) Returns the integer value of expr truncated towards zero as floating point.

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