Arduino Troubleshooting

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Why I can't upload my programs to the Arduino board?>

There are many pieces involved in getting a program onto your Arduino board, and if any of them aren't right, the upload can fail. They include: the drivers for the board, the board and serial port selections in the Arduino software, access to the serial port, the physical connection to the board, the firmware on the 8U2 (on the Uno and Mega 2560), the bootloader on the main microcontroller on the board, the microcontroller's fuse settings, and more. Here are some specific suggestions for troubleshooting each of the pieces.

Arduino Software


Drivers provide a way for software on your computer (i.e. the Arduino software) to talk to hardware you connect to your computer (the Arduino board). In the case of Arduino, the drivers work by providing a virtual serial port (or virtual COM port). The Arduino Uno and Mega 2560 use standard drivers (USB CDC) provided by the operating system to communicate with the ATmega8U2 on the board. Other Arduino boards use FTDI drivers to communicate with the FTDI chip on the board (or in the USB-serial convertor).

The easiest way to check if the drivers for your board are installed correctly is by opening the Tools > Serial Port menu in the Arduino software with the Arduino board connected to your computer. Additional menu items should appear relative to when you open the menu without the Arduino connected to your computer. Note that it shouldn't matter what name the Arduino board's serial port gets assigned as long as that's the one you pick from the menu.

Access to the Serial Port

Physical Connection

Access to the Serial Port

Physical Connection

an Ubuntu package (for 11.04) which includes support for these devices. If, however, you're using the RXTX package from your distribution, you may need to symlink from /devlab/ttyACM0 to /devlab/ttyUSB0 (for example) so that the serial port appears in the Arduino software.

Access to the Serial Port

Physical Connection

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