The Colorado parks system provides camping facilities throughout all four national parks.
Rocky Mountain National Park— Four campgrounds are available and include Aspenglen, Glacier Basin, Longs Peak, and Moraine Park. The fee in most instances is $20 per night. Aspenglen and Glacier Basin are closed during the winter months. Longs Peak and Moraine Park are open all year.
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park—Two campgrounds are available. They are North Rim and South Rim. North Rim opens in the spring and closes in the fall. The fee is $10 per night. Some sections of South Rim are open all year, and other sections are closed in the winter.
Mesa Verde National Park—One campground is available in Mesa Verde. The Morefield Campground has 435 available sites and is open from May through October. The fee is $20 per night.
Great Sand Dunes National Park—Pinyon Flats is the only campground located in this national park. The campground is open all year-round. Campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis with a fee of $12 per night.
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